How can Americans close the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims?

Yasser Elfeky, Al Azhar University


  1. Erin McDonaldApril 15, 2010

    I am currently in a program for my college now called Soliya and they work to bridge the gap between Western countries and the Muslim countries. Through this experience I have gained a heightened perspective on the Muslim community and speak on a weekly basis with people from Egypt and a woman who used to live in Pakistan.

    I think for many Americans we do not receive that much information about the Muslim communities and so they draw from media perceptions which are not always the truth or representative of the whole people. If Americans were to step back, learn the culture, and open their minds to allow for better understanding then we would not have such a gap between us.

    Erin McDonald, student at University of Northern Colorado

  2. AnonymousJune 01, 2010

    I know about soliy program and I will join to this program.
    Mahmod Sherbeny.
    Faculty of Arabic Language, in Cairo
