What are the duties of parents towards their children in America?

Mahmoud, Faculty of Arabic Studies, Al Azhar University


  1. I have 2 sons who are in their 30's. Education,physical exercise, and responsibility were what I taught my sons. It was my duty to support them emotionally and financially.
    Sansa Morse, Tucson, Arizona

  2. Parents are expected to raise children who will one day be independent and who can contribute to society. Each parent chooses how they would like to go about this in the manner they feel is best or most effective.

    I grew up in a family that was very loving and supportive, but my parents were strict. I was disciplined for disobedience, which wasn't fun then, but now I really appreciate that my parents were tough. They had high expectations for me and pushed me to succeed in school and extra-curricular activities. They were fair with my sisters and I, and set a great example with their lives for us to follow.

    I feel the duties of parents in American are to instill love, discipline, knowledge, responsibility, and independence in their children. I feel that some ways to do this are: for parents to set the example for their children, be open to communicate always with their kids, treat but never spoil their kids, and love them unconditionally.
